As fun and exciting as this trip was, it wasn't just a crazy adventure for our own enjoyment. Since its inception, teams participating in the Mongol Rally have collectively raised millions of dollars for various worthy causes around the world, and we embarked on our journey hoping to continue the good work. We selected two great charities whose work we support, and we're thrilled to announce that our extremely generous donors helped us raise nearly $4000!


Our charity fundraising campaign has now officially ended, but don't let that stop you. If you're still feeling inspired to assist the important, ongoing work of SOIL in Haiti, we encourage you to donate directly on the organization's website.


If you'd prefer to contribute to Cool Earth, here's the link.


Thanks to our corporate and individual donors who supported our charities and helped made this trip possible!

S&F Radiator Service
North Bergen, NJ

Providing quality service for the industrial cooling needs of the trucking and heavy equipment industry

Omni Management Corp.
Bloomfield / Maplewood / Orange, NJ

Offering superior tax and accounting services, travel bookings, worldwide money transfer, insurance, mutual fund investing, mortgages, and immigration services

Diane Andronica and Chuck Rosina
John Bamber
Wesley Barrett
Jeff M. Berry and Eric Politzer
Karen Bobotas
Ron and Rosemary Campisi
Loretta and Jamie Carraro
Molly Case
Meghan and David CedeƱo
John P. Ciferni
Robert W Davidson
Lynn DelMastro
Rob and Rie Duran
Derek Fincke
Mindy Fineman
Brett, Joanne, James, and Julianna Genoble
David Goren
Mal and Gloria Gurian
Randy Gurian
Rebecca Hoke-McCall
Leona, Greg, and Ian Hopkins

Pat and Karl Hughes
Ryan J Hulvat
Brittany C. Hurdle
Alan Hyman
Julie Isidor
John B. Jones
Victor G. Jones
Marc Julceus
Caitlyn Kim
Julie Kliewer
Sasha Kramer
Eithne Leigh and Betty Coughlin
Jeremiah Loden
Mary K. Long
Margaret M Magner
Kevin and Cheryl Markow
Kelly McCosh
Sebastian Metzger
Mary Moynihan
Arthur and Nancy Newman
Magdalene Ong

Christina Park
Mary Beth Phelan
Linda Pinkow
Erika E. Plummer
Steven M. Presson
Leslie, Drew, and Logan Rabie
Maryann and Paul Roses
Paula Saha
Donna Salter
Tom Schantz
Joanne Sessler
Pete Sessler
Lauren Sobotor
Jacqueline and Alfred Spiteri
Craig Stevens
Andrew Tomasino
Farah Visslailli
Franne Visslailli
Sandi Walsh
Paul Wilkes
and several anonymous donors